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CareersStoriesMeet Steven Zona, Market Access storyteller
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Meet Steven Zona, Market Access storyteller

Game-changing innovation at scale? That’s the daily routine for Market Access professionals at Johnson & Johnson, and storytelling is a key part of how we do it. Learn more from Steven Zona, including how you can join him on our team today.

The value of diverse backgrounds in Market Access

Diversity is probably the defining feature of the Market Access team at Johnson & Johnson. After all, supporting access to our medicines treatments and vaccines for patients around the world isn’t a small ask. Doing so requires professionals from an extraordinarily wide range of disciplines and backgrounds. Think: public health experts, physicians, specialists of all kinds, statisticians, economists and more.

Steven Zona, a PharmD with an MBA, is a case in point—and in his eyes, diversity is exactly what makes our team so strong.

“The diversity of our team is a differentiator for us, and an important part of what sets us up for success,” Steven said. “No matter the challenge, if I don’t have the expertise or knowledge to answer a question, there’s going to be someone on the team who does.”

Plus, Steven thinks those challenges are also uniquely high-impact opportunities.

“Working in Market Access at Johnson & Johnson is a way for you to not only interact with one health plan, for example, but to interact with multiple health plans,” he explained. “So it’s just a really unique opportunity to make an impact at scale.”

The diversity of our team is a differentiator for us.
Steven Zona
Field Director, Value and Evidence Scientific Engagement

Why Market Access is a form of storytelling

Within the Market Access team at Johnson & Johnson, Steven’s title is “Field Director, Value and Evidence Scientific Engagement,” and in his mind, a big part of the job comes down to storytelling.

Here’s how Steven put it: “We tell the story of the scientific value of our transformational products"—as in breakthrough cancer treatments or life-saving vaccines—"to population health decision-makers so that patients are better able to access them.”

Steven refers to those stories as “value narratives"—a fitting term, since this work is so clearly connected to Our Credo, the values guiding everything we do.

And, needless to say, such narratives can’t be spun out of thin air. Rather, they’re constructed from enormous quantities of evidence and data.

“We’re looking at clinical data, at economic data, at data from real-world outcomes,” Steven said. “All of these things inform the value narrative.”

He went on, “The conversations we’re having help us shape and evolve our product pipeline—and when we’re looking at how to design our studies or doing evidence-generation planning, we’re always incorporating the insights we’ve gotten along the way from all of these internal and external stakeholders.”

Steven’s path to a career in Market Access

What brought Steven to the Market Access team at Johnson & Johnson?

Well, his training in pharmacy and business perspective was a good start.

But as for motivators, Steven cites three: “The level of innovation at Johnson & Johnson, the level of investment in our pipeline—which is really an investment in our patients—and the values of this company, which align with my own personal values.”

But above all, a career in Market Access is all about making a positive impact in people’s lives.

As Steven put it, “While Market Access is an absolutely critical part of our work at Johnson & Johnson today, I think it’s only going to become even more critical going forward. Just look at the level of impact we’re able to have for our patients around the world—it’s truly remarkable.”

How will you make your mark in Market Access?

Market Access is a dynamic and rapidly growing field, and you’ll find that there are opportunities for you to join our team all around the globe. So if you’re looking to take on exciting new challenges—and use your career to drive positive real-world impact in the lives of people everywhere—be sure to check out all of the openings we have in Market Access right now.

Plus, you should sign up for our global talent community, too. It’s a great way to stay in touch, learn more about life at Johnson & Johnson and even get updates about jobs that might interest you in the future.

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