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4 Things to Know About Our Veterans Sales Pathway 4 Things to Know About Our Veterans Sales Pathway

Serving a cause larger than yourself. Making a difference in people's lives. Understanding the big picture, then translating it into operational and tactical next steps. Delegating responsibilities to ensure the success of the mission.

When it comes to carrying out responsibilities like these, military veterans are in a league of their own.

That's why we launched our Veteran Sales Pathway, a comprehensive initiative designed specifically to support the success of transitioning military veterans into pharmaceutical sales roles. And before you dismiss the idea of a career in sales, these four insights might change your mind.


Not Sold on a "Sales" Role?

Sales, at least in the context of pharmaceuticals or medical devices, probably doesn't mean what you think. As a Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist with Janssen, for example, you won't be selling anything—at least, not in the traditional sense of the term. Instead, you'll be:

  • Working as an independent, trusted and consultative partner to doctors, providers and other professionals across the healthcare continuum
  • A subject matter expert and educator conversant in everything from contraindications between medications to the latest and greatest treatment options, advances in clinical trials and a whole lot more
  • Above all, a difference-maker—someone committed to ensuring that the best possible medicines, therapies and treatments are delivered to the patients who need them the most

Along the way, you'll probably pick up on something else about Johnson & Johnson: We aren't too picky about titles. We put ideas before titles—and let the best ideas rise.

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Personally, the idea of working in sales didn't appeal to me at all when I was coming out of the military—it didn’t seem relevant to my experience or impactful enough. But that was before I understood what this role with Janssen is all about: making a difference in patients' lives. I've done a complete 180 since then. I'm passionate about the work and committed to the mission. I'm all in.

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Marching in Lockstep with Veterans to Support Successful Transitions

Transitioning into the civilian workforce from a military career isn't always easy, and everyone needs a little support somewhere along the way. With our Veteran Sales Pathway initiative, that's exactly what you'll get—and you'll get it on multiple fronts. Think:

  • Hands-on coaching and mentorship Career path-mapping, development and planning
  • Access to the Johnson & Johnson Veterans Leadership Council, our award-winning Employee Resource Group for the military-connected community
  • An inclusive community of the best and the brightest peers

Like you, we know what real expertise looks like, and that it takes time to build. So we'll be there for you every step of the way until you get up to speed. After all, our commitment is ultimately twofold: to support not only the success of your mission at work, but the success of your broader transition as well.

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Johnson & Johnson is the type of company that respects and appreciates your years of service and sacrifice. Your years of experience in the military—being flexible, managing conflict and problem-solving—will only be enhanced when you join our team.

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Standing for Something Larger Than Yourself

As a Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist with Janssen, your actions will be guided by the values laid out in Our Credo, which center on respect, dignity, fairness, fulfillment and purpose.

These shared values are what define and differentiate the passion and purpose of all 130,000-plus of us here at Johnson & Johnson, and you'll find they make a difference on a day-to-day level, as well.

How so?

When everyone is aligned on a common goal, expectations are clearer. Combine that with our clear chain of command and there isn't any uncertainty about the best course of action or strategy to pursue. When you have to make hard decisions, you’ll have the right framework and support to know how to move forward.

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The military is a great proving ground—it provides incredible training, and veterans bring phenomenal leadership experience. This new initiative at Janssen is the perfect way to match the skills of our veterans to roles that will allow them to be successful, while ensuring that they continue to serve a mission with a higher purpose.

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Coast-to-Coast Opportunities

The U.S. Armed Forces is proud to reflect the diverse makeup of the country, and that includes geographic diversity as well. So we designed our latest initiative with a similar geographic inclusiveness in mind. Simply put, wherever you are in the country or in your career, you'll find that there are numerous opportunities for you to apply the skills you developed in the military to help us change the future of health for good.

The only question is: Are you ready to join forces with us today?

If so, check out all of the ways you can join our team today. Plus, you should also sign up for our Global Talent Hub. It's a great way to find out more about our culture, purpose and mission at Johnson & Johnson—and even get updates about jobs that might interest you in the future.

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